On Sunday 17th April four of the UK Storage team, Ben, Emma, John and Kate, took on the Bridgwater 10K on what turned out to be a gloriously sunny day. With two of the team running their first 10K the four approached it with a mix of excitement and trepidation. In what we like to call an elite field, 500 runners took to the lanes and farmer's tracks around Chilton Trinity, Bridgwater to race against the clock. After registering and getting our race numbers pinned on (eek), we were in to the warm up with no time to play on the bouncy castle.

Ready to go after a warm up to some banging tunes we were on to the count down and off we went! On quite roads, only needing to dodge the odd car(!) we headed out and around the local area. Supported by some helpful and friendly stewards we ticked off the kilometre markers. Heading back in to the lovely new Chilton Trinity School and Leisure Centre we were greeted by a wall of noise as we finally saw the Finish banner.

Across the line we were awarded with out medals and a goody bag of sports bottles, bananas and Um Bongo. All to be followed by a very welcome piece of cake in the cafe or in Ben and Kate's case, a pint in the local pub! The event as a whole was arranged very well by 1610, with very easy and efficient registration and a warm friendly feel to the event - always helped by the weather! So a big well done to Ben and Kate for their first 10K, now on to the half marathon!